The Podcast

November 6, 2018 Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, & The Mythical AI Singularity
Podcaster Joe Rogan sat down with Elon Musk. They discussed AI &  Evolution. (Full interview at  Entrepreneur Tim Berthold mentioned the Elon interview to bestselling author, speaker, engineer and strategy consultant Perry Marshall.  Perry explains why the "Singularity" (the prediction that we're all going to upload ourselves into the cloud someday and live on the...
October 31, 2018 Saving the World with Audie Cashion
I just did a rock-em-sock-em interview with Audie Cashion of World Peace Center. We dug into… The business secrets of blue-green algae Why you gotta pay attention to the pendulum swings in culture The germ of the idea of equality…and what it means in an unequal 80/20 world Why you must...
October 2, 2018 The Central Dogma and the Weismann Barrier: Does Genetic Information Flow Both Ways? Denis Noble Interview
For a century, the belief was that genetic information built organisms, never the other way around. A new paper by Denis Noble definitively proves otherwise. The paper is called “Central Dogma or Central Debate.” In this interview, Denis explains the revolution that is going on in genetics.
September 18, 2018 David Quammen Interview – The Tangled Tree: A New History of Life
David Quammen's book "The Tangled Tree: A New History of Life" tells the story of evolution through the eyes of Carl Woese, a not-terribly-famous but truly ingenious revolutionary who flipped evolution on its side, literally 90 degrees. He upended Darwin's famous tree of life, showing that genes can come from...
September 11, 2018 Claude Shannon: A Mind at Play Interview with Authors Rob Goodman & Jimmy Soni
Claude Shannon made our modern digital world possible. He wrote a landmark paper called "The Mathematical Theory of Communication" which gave birth to computer networks, cell phones, compact discs, digital recording and video. It also lent huge insights into genetics and biology. Rob Goodman & Jimmy Soni have written the...
September 5, 2018 Conflict Thesis and the War Between Science and Religion with Historian Ted Davis
Did people in the Middle Ages believe the Earth was flat? Were Christians the enemy of Copernicus? Are science and religion enemies? Dr. Ted Davis, professor of the history of science and religion tells us the real story.
June 22, 2018 Evolution 2.0 Highly Abridged – Introduction
The Young Earth Creationist and His Curious Daughter. Dinner with my friend Bob, a Young Earth Creationist, and his 12 year old daughter Melanie takes a peek at how evolution really works.
June 21, 2018 Evolution 2.0: Highly Abridged – The Road To Code
What we know about codes has sweeping implications for not only science but philosophy and religion as well. We define terms and make clear who should read this book, and who will likely be too offended to bother reading it.
June 20, 2018 Evolution 2.0: Highly Abridged – Ch#1 Bro, I’m Losing My Religion
In four years, my younger brother Bryan went from seminary grad and missionary in China to the doorstep of atheism - and he was dragging me with him. This was an earthquake for everyone in my family, because we’re pastor’s kids.
June 19, 2018 Evolution 2.0: Highly Abridged – Ch#2 Evolution: Truth Or Fiction
Because I’m an Electrical Engineer, I decided to let science decide this for me: Does nature really point us to atheism? Or does science favor faith? Darwinian theory is consistently challenged by doctors and engineers. Does that mean the engineers know something the biologists don’t? Or do the biologists know...