Site Directory
- “Science has more bs than marketing”
- Donna Meyers is STILL beating cancer after 35 years
- MUST Watch: Richard Dawkins’ PhD examiner Demolishes the Selfish Gene
- Hard Knocks: When Biology Punches Back
- Michael Ruse, RIP
- Before we can even discuss intelligence, we have to agree on what it is
- Courage Fueled by Curiosity = Love
- What I Really Do Here at Reversing Cancer (August 2024 EVO2 Newsletter)
- Irreducible Mind: Why the Current Paradigm is past its expiration date with Edward Kelly
- The Infinite Playground of Discovery Between the ‘Left’ and the ‘Right’
- The Secret Life of Giant Cancer Cells
- Regenerating Life Review
- Intellectual Cage Match: Perry Marshall vs. Mike Levin
- Discussions About Science, Philosophy and Theology with Perry Marshall
- Origin Of Life: What We Do and Do Not Know
- “If I had a choice between a walk on the moon and saving one life from cancer, I would never look at the moon again.” – Azra Raza
- Evolution May Be Purposeful & It’s Freaking Scientists Out
- Science is Reconsidering Evolution
- The Reasonable Ineffectiveness of Mathematics in the Life Sciences
- Detecting Cancer at Stage Negative One – Perry Marshall at SBMT
- Evolution 2.0 GPT
- Sabine Hossenfelder Cuts a Vein, and Bleeds
- Virus Evolution & Natural Viral Engineering
- What’s the matter with miracles in science?
- REVIEW: How Life Works by Philip Ball
- Detecting Cancer @ Stage Negative 1 TODAY
- Eric Weinstein takes the Neo-Darwinists to task
- How Life Works by Philip Ball: New Crack in the Berlin Wall
- A Superior Definition of Cancer
- Why computers are not conscious: Assigning Meaning
- Oxford Professor Denis Noble takes down “The Selfish Gene”
- Marco Masi: Is your brain the source of consciousness? Or is it more like an antenna?
- ANTHROBOTS: Breakthrough from Michael Levin
- Why Evolution is Quantum
- Review of Geddy Lee’s “My Effin’ Life”
- Understanding Living Systems with Ray and Denis Noble
- The Truth About AI that not 1 Video in 100 is Acknowledging
- Why You Must Be In Vancouver Sept 23 & 24
- God and the Number 7
- Johnjoe McFadden: Occam’s Razor and Quantum Biology
- The radical rethinking of evolution that is now underway
- Dean Radin’s Clever Double Slit Experiment
- The World-Changing Quantum Experiment No One’s Ever Tried
- Cancer and…Quantum Mechanics?
- Why Quantum Mechanics is Central to Evolution
- Beatles, Stones, and a Brand New Field of Virus Research Part 5
- Beatles, Stones, and a Brand New Field of Virus Research Part 4
- Beatles, Stones, and a Brand New Field of Virus Research Part 3
- Beatles, Stones, and a Brand New Field of Virus Research Part 2
- Beatles, Stones, and a Brand New Field of Virus Research Part 1
- Virus Evolution (and your new career in Muncie Indiana)
- Viral Tropism: How Viruses Choose Their Perfect Hosts
- Natural Viral Engineering: New Paradigm
- When Dinosaur Books Are More Dangerous Than Playboy Magazine
- Selfish Gene Hell
- Optimism or Extinction? What’s the Future of Humanity?
- Nature’s Invisible Symphony: The Sounds of Life with Karen Bakker
- The Threshold: Leading in the Age of AI – Interview with Nick Chatrath
- My 80/20 Worldview Purge
- From Rebellious Teenager to Young Adult: Intelligent Design Grows Up
- Nancy’s Cancer: We spent $2M and tried EVERYTHING
- Denis Noble, 86: The Science and Art of Longevity
- The Marketing Challenge of Evolution
- Dawkins-Noble Debate
- Denis Noble Debates Richard Dawkins (full video)
- “If I had only eaten more junk food”: Jenny Davis tells her story of recovering from cancer
- Negentropy: Convergence of Evolution, Cognition and the Origin of Life
- The Two Narratives
- Patent Attorney Reviews Evolution 2.0
- The Connection between Choice, the Observer, and the Origin of Life
- Rocking the Foundations of Evolution
- Why water is essential to life’s capacity for free will
- “Do you believe it’s possible to win the Evolution 2.0 Prize?”
- The Biggest Mystery in the History of the Universe | Joana Xavier on the Origin of Life
- Meeting Grendel’s Mother in the Spiritual Swamp
- An Invisible World Buzzing with Communication and Excitement: Jon Lieff, MD
- Why Evolutionary Biology Has Big Implications For Future AI Development
- Viruses, and What Rich Jacobs Discovered From Interviewing 3,000 Experts
- Siri is not going to wake up any time soon
- Quantum Entanglement, Psychic Phenomena and Consciousness
- What happens when biology grows beyond “training wheels”? Addy Pross
- Rabbi Adam Jacobs speaks to Perry Marshall about Darwinism and his Origin of Life Challenge for $10 Million Dollars.
- Do We Need a New Theory of Evolution?
- Rethinking Cancer with Bernhard Strauss
- How to Solve the World’s Most Intractable Problems
- What Exactly is Cancer Anyway?
- A Nobel Prize Winner Warned Me Not To Question Evolution
- Noble clashes with Dawkins this Saturday
- From Evolution to Cancer: The Oral History of Our 7-year Journey
- The Engineering of Consciousness with Michael Levin and Donald Hoffman
- Henry Heng’s Genome Chaos
- Why the Bible Doesn’t Make Sense Without Evolution
- Perry Marshall Explains The $10 Million Code Problem
- High-Speed Evolutionary Mechanisms in Cancer Cells—Why Isn’t Anyone Talking About Them?
- Was Adam A Real Dude And Does It Really Matter?
- Who Knew Water to be this Controversial?
- Donuts in the Oncology Ward
- Chemo was Like Pouring Bleach Into my Veins
- The evolution guy who attracted 800 on a FREEZING January night
- 50th Anniversary of Nixon’s War on Cancer w/ Azra Raza
- LIVE DEBATE: Richard Dawkins vs. Denis Noble
- Review of Evolution: A View from the 21st Century, Fortified
- Agency of the Cell: Convergence between Origin of Life, Evolution, Cognition and Cancer
- Controversial New Discovery Could Hold the Key to Unlocking the Cure for Cancer
- Origin of Life: Nature or Miracle?
- When They’re Lopping Off a Breast, the Customer Service is Terrible
- INFOGRAPHIC: 5 Most Popular Evolution Books are 40 Years Obsolete
- Jerry Coyne: Not a Happy Camper
- Trustworthy Evolution Books
- INFOGRAPHIC: 5 Most Popular Evolution Books are 40 Years Obsolete
- Rediscovering the Real Charles Darwin
- Are Textbooks Holding Back Cures for Cancer? Press Release
- Why the Bible Doesn’t Make Sense Without Evolution
- Childhood Trauma Causes Cancer; Therapy and Relationships Heal
- The Ancient Greek and Early Church Fathers on Evolution
- LIVE TODAY: Two world class cancer researchers
- Sam Devis of When Belief Dies in Conversation
- Why Siri is not going to “Wake Up” anytime soon – Cancer, Evolution and the Nature of Nature: Part 3
- Zombie Cells Gone Wild- Athena Aktipis
- 334 years after Isaac Newton: The Stuart Kauffman Revolution
- The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts – Cancer, Evolution and the Nature of Nature: Part 2
- Cancer, Evolution and the Nature of Nature: Part 1
- Hear the Incredible Rob Berkley: His final interview
- Origin of Life & Evolution: Proof these questions don’t have answers
- How To Halt Cancer at “Stage NEGATIVE 1” – Azra Raza
- Institute for InterGroup Understanding reviews Evolution 2.0
- The Bible Was Written FOR Us But Not TO US
- New Contest Submission for $10M Prize
- 5 Amazing Things about Cancer, Viruses and Evolution
- Ways to Win the Evolution 2.0 Prize
- What does Cancer have to do with Evolution???
- Evolution 2.0: 5 Year Anniversary!
- COVID Accelerates the Uberization of Food
- Random vs. Stochastic
- A Poem About Coronavirus
- Picasso Tadpoles: Michael Levin on the ‘Dark Matter’ of Biology
- Algorithm vs. Agent: Creating Information with iPhone Autofill
- Azra Raza On Cancer’s $250 Billion Elephant-In-The-Room
- Trouble In Origin Of Life Paradise
- Dynamic Kinetic Chemistry and the Origin Of Life
- Evolution 2.0 in the “Nature Ecology and Evolution” Science Journal
- Lynn Margulis’ last interview with Conner Habib
- Sy Garte – The Works of His Hands
- Bloodhounds never forget a smell
- Michael Behe, father of “irreducible complexity,” vs. natural genetic engineering
- Joel Salatin: The Uberization of Food (Not Twinkies, REAL food)
- Unbelievable? How on Earth did life begin? Lee Cronin, Perry Marshall and Denis Noble on the origins of life
- Thrive Global: “How (and Why) Perry Marshall Is Seeking to Unearth Life’s Underlying Forces”
- Evolution 2.0 Featured In Inc.
- Marketing Consultant Perry Marshall talks Evolution 2.0 with Dan & Amy
- Evolution 2.0 Featured In Forbes: “How To Pivot Your Expertise To Starting A New Business”
- Church kicks out member for rejecting Young Earth Creationism. This is his response
- “Investors offer $10 million to recreate the origin of information. So far, no one can do it.”
- From Atheist Member of the Communist Party to Fervent Believer
- Royal Society Announcement: $10 Million Prize for Life’s Origin
- Why “tweaking Darwinism a little” ain’t gonna get the job done – Denis Noble, the Martin Luther of Evolutionary Biology
- Evolution 2.0, $10 Million Prize, and the Royal Society of Great Britain
- Entrepreneurs offer $10m prize for cracking mystery of DNA
- The Man Who Re-Invented DNA: Steve Benner on Hachimoji DNA
- Why Neither “Extreme” Can Take Science Literally
- Ken Wilber, Involution, and Evolution as a Function of the Divine: Frank Visser and Perry Marshall in Conversation
- “Darwin Devolves” Review – Perry Marshall & Bill Cole discuss Michael Behe’s controversial new book
- Why Christians have Failed to Reckon with Good and Evil
- Profane Faith Podcast: Evolution 2.0
- Where Did Life Come From? Perry Marshall’s Evolution 2.0 at Penn State University
- Teleology: Purpose in Nature – Yes or No?
- Why “God did it” halts science (even if it’s ultimately true)
- Designer Babies are Here to Stay
- Random vs. Stochastic Evolution
- Business Evolution 2.0 at Chicago Notre Dame!
- Evolution 2.0 at Penn State University November 12, 2018
- The Evolution 2.0 Manifesto
- Are Evolutionary Mutations Random? Or Are They Engineered for Success?
- Order = Signal. Random = Noise.
- A Letter (And Question) from Martin Rag Concerning Unchanged Organisms and Evolutionary Creation
- The Central Dogma and the Weismann Barrier: Does Genetic Information Flow Both Ways? Denis Noble Interview
- Are Evolutionary Mutations Random? Swamidass vs. Extended Synthesis
- It’s Time to Tighten the Definition of “Random”
- Did Charles Darwin Believe in Design? The answer may surprise you.
- Evolution 2.0 Author’s Main Goal Is NOT To Prove God Exists, It’s To Stop The War…
- Defending Marriage Between Evolution & Design Against The World’s Largest Group Of Atheists.
- Are Evolution And Intelligent Design Connected? This Video Reveals The Answer…
- A Quest To The Bottom Of The Proverbial “Evolutionary Swamp…”
- From Young Earth Creation To Evolution 2.0 – The Story
- Creation Research Society Reviews “Evolution 2.0” by Perry Marshall
- Is There Purpose in Biology? Denis Alexander book Review
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers on the Evolution 2.0 Prize
- Why Billions of Years?
- Information Theory and the Trinity
- Dawkins vs. Marshall vs. Meyer: Place Your Bets
- Genetic Algorithms & the 1-Star Review
- Intelligent Bacteria: Cells are Incredibly Smart
- Frontline Genomics Story on the Evolution 2.0 Prize
- Evolution 2.0 on CBS 6, Richmond Virginia station WTVR
- Can Anybody Actually Win The Evolution 2.0 Prize?
- Evolution: The Untold Story, Part 1
- Isn’t a Deist God a little less troublesome?
- Teleological Argument for the Existence of God?
- My New Years Resolution for 2018
- Which is worse: Tyrannosaurus Rex? or Satan?
- Bryan’s Story: From Missionary to Almost Atheist to Present Day
- If you feel like “Evolution” is a 4-Letter Word… Read This
- Lynn Margulis: A Vindicated Heretic’s Unwavering Confidence, from Rejection to the Library of Congress.
- Poking Holes in Universe Age and Other Theories with Ray Noble
- “Got your hypothesis peer reviewed yet???” (say it out loud in a sneering, mocking tone of voice)
- How Darwinism Sucked the True Power out of Biology
- Change Your Beliefs with the Power of Biology and Improve Your Skills: Denis Noble Interview
- Origin of Life: Has Anybody Solved It?
- Yoga Talk Show – What Darwin Got Wrong
- Purpose & Desire by J. Scott Turner – Book Review
- Why Death and Disease?
- Do Epigenetic Changes Become Hard-Coded?
- Who is in control? YOU? Or your Genes?
- An Evolutionary Signpost is Needed – Guest Post by James MacAllister
- Jerry Coyne Evades Evolution 2.0
- Francis Collins on Faith vs. Science
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Synthetic Life
- How Trees Talk To Each Other – Suzanne Simard
- Is Intelligent Design really just Old Earth Creationism?
- Richard Rohr on Evolution
- Are Cells Intelligent?
- Darwinism vs. ID vs. Evolution 2.0
- Truth or Market Share? Intelligent Design vs. Evolution 2.0
- DNA, Fitness, Evolution: Perry Marshall flexes mental muscles on muscle head podcast
- The Iron Curtain of Biology, Junk DNA, and the Protestant Reformation
- The Protestant Reformation of Evolutionary Biology?
- What kind of God makes an evolutionary universe?
- Stephen Meyer Debates Perry Marshall – Intelligent Design vs. Evolution 2.0
- What Science and the Post Office Have in Common
- Yes, Richard Dawkins is Obsolete
- For Those of You Ready to Chuck Your Faith Out the Window
- The Royal Society’s Evolution Meeting: James MacAllister / Why Neo-Darwinism was the Biggest Mistake in the History of Science
- Dance to the Tune of Life: Biological Relativity – Book Review
- Evolution: “Red in Tooth and Claw”? or Cooperative?
- From Creationist to Atheist to Reasonable Faith
- Welcome to the DMZ: The Creation-Evolution De-Militarized Zone
- From “God Of The Gaps” to “Let’s Get This Thing Solved!”
- Royal Society’s “New Trends in Biological Evolution” – A Bloodless Revolution
- Conversations Beyond Science and Religion: Evolution 2.0 interview with Philip Comella
- Geeking on code, DNA and Starbucks with author John Somnez
- Wanted: “I was a Young Earth Creationist” Stories
- Anti-Evolution is Anti-Bible
- Witness Bacteria Evolve in Real Time
- What Is Evolution 2.0?
- Young Earth Creation vs. Old Earth Creation
- Symbiogenesis of Cells, Businesses & Entrepreneurs
- Bible and Science, Reconciled
- Book Review: Cosmosapiens by John Hands
- Memo To Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye, Jerry Coyne & PZ Myers: Recess is OVER
- Bacteria evolve over a weekend
- Why I am Not a Young Earth Creationist
- The Most Troubled Theory in the History of Science – And why The Darwinian Cancer is Terminal This Time Around
- Evolution Fist Fight at the Wistar Institute
- A New Theory of Evolution
- Even Darwinists thought Darwin was crazy about this one…
- Superbugs: Kaizen, Quantum Leaps, And Penicillin
- The Exquisite Merger-Acquisitions of Mother Nature
- “Kids don’t like being lied to.”
- Did God Create Evil and Suffering?
- Circular Logic & Natural Selection
- How Simple is the Simplest Cell?
- “Not only has Dawkins ruined science. He’s ruined atheism too.”
- Young Earth Creationists killing Christian credibility?
- Why Evolution is NOT Blind, Purposeless, and Depressing
- Richard Dawkins dogma destroying science…
- Google AdWords vs. Charles Darwin
- “You got a beef with Stephen Meyer and William Dembski?”
- Cells Make Decisions as Members of a Superbly Organized Army
- Where life came from, according to Richard Dawkins
- Signals vs. Noise
- Is Evolution Biblical?
- EVENT: 3 Big Thinkers Discuss God, Science, and the Universe
- Evolution of Evolution
- Cheating The Salem Hypothesis
- Darwinists Underestimate Nature. Creationists Underestimate God.
- Telorexia – Blind to Purpose in Nature
- God Talk Podcast – Doug Thorpe & Andrew Wyant Discuss “Evolution 2.0”
- Intelligent Design’s Blind Spot, Part 2
- Intelligent Design’s Blind Spot
- Memo To PZ Myers: Damage is Random. Repair is Not.
- Synonyms for Random
- The 80/20 of “Junk DNA”
- PZ Myers – Perry Marshall Debate Evolution on Podcast
- Atheist-Creationist Denial Syndrome
- Charles Darwin debunked in 1940s by incredible woman geneticist?
- Dogmatic Darwinist Jerry Coyne “reviews” my book — Evolution 2.0 — here’s my response!
- How I argued with atheists to develop the Evolution 2.0 theory…
- Evolution Debate: How I Almost Became An Atheist
- Random Mutations? Cut To The Chase
- Larry Moran and the 3 Martini Lunch, part 2: Massive Evolution Fraud
- Larry Moran, Intelligent Design, and the Three Martini Lunch
- Did Charles Darwin Believe in God?
- “OK, So Where is God in All of This?”
- Skeptic Jerry Coyne trashes “Evolution 2.0” – without even reading it first!
- Down the evolutionary rabbit hole I go – Part 2 of Decoding Evolution
- Part 1: Decoding Evolution
- “Biology is the study of things that appear to be designed.”
- Home School – Old Earth vs. Young Earth & Atheism
- Home School – Creation – Evolution
- Evolution in 140 Characters or Less
- Karl Barth on Atheism
- Junk DNA & My Foot-In-Mouth moment
- The absolute friggin’ MIRACLE of “Junk DNA”
- Communication: Guest Blog by Richard Morgan
- Everybody has faith
- O Teorema da Incompletude de Gödel: A Descoberta Matemática Nº 1 do Século XX
- The “God of the Gaps” Paradox
- “I don’t believe in evolution because there are so few transitional forms.”
- Atheist Richard Dawkins Appointed to Investigate UFO’s
- Conception to birth, visualized
- Science Without Art; Art Without Science
- James Shapiro – Evolution: A View from the 21st Century (Book Review)
- Atheist to Christian: 180 Degrees in 10 Seconds
- Are the mutations that drive evolution random?
- James Shapiro Video: Evolution in the 21st Century
- Radical Atheist Conversion + Evolution 3.0
- Evolution in Sharp Focus: Lucent Technologies
- Romans 1: Yes, You Can Take It Literally
- Engineering Insights of Bugs, Geckos and Robots
- TalkOrigins’ Misrepresentations of Werner Gitt and Information Theory
- The Purpose of the Appendix: New Research
- Richard Feynman on Science and Religion
- What Craig Venter’s Synthetic Cell Says About the Origins Debate
- The Mathematics of DNA
- The New Atheism, Genesis 2 & Symbiogenesis
- 7 Biology Myths No Electrical Engineer Would Ever Tolerate
- A Closer Look at Genesis 1
- “Sitting on the Fence”
- The Iron Curtain of 2010
- Gödel’s Incompleteness: The #1 Mathematical Breakthrough of the 20th Century
- Testable Hypothesis for Intelligent Design, Pt 4
- Testable Hypothesis for Intelligent Design, Pt 3
- Origin of life debate, the English Way
- Testable Hypothesis for Intelligent Design, Pt 2
- Testable Hypothesis for Intelligent Design, Part 1
- The most famous, passionately argued, longest-running debate
- My Bell Labs – Lucent Technology Lectures
- The Atheist’s Riddle, Part 2: Two Kinds of Things & The Infinite Chasm
- Design in the Universe + Evil + Suffering=???
- Einstein’s Big Blunder
- “Bird Droppings on my Telescope”
- Why the Big Bang was the most precisely planned event in all of history
- “If you can read this sentence, I can prove God exists”
- New Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God