I got a provocative blog comment from Young Earth Creationist B. A. Christian:
Question: Do we need “Special Knowledge” in this case brought in from something called science to rightly interpret the passages? Or does it mean what it says? Is death the hero of the plot or the last enemy? Does consensus of geologists, biologists and astronomers determine truth?
I need to point out the presumptuousness of the statement “Does consensus of geologists, biologists and astronomers determine truth?”
Well, strictly speaking, the consensus of scientists does not itself determine truth.
Any honest philosopher of science will freely admit that.
However in science we do have many things that any person can reasonably verify as fact. Like the phenomenon that gravity operates very consistently.
Any reasonably educated person can follow the logic and confirm the process that is used to determine that a star is 100 million light years away.
Any reasonable application of logic and knowledge of the speed of light (which you can measure and which in measurements is not changing) verifies that yes, that star is in fact more than 100 million years old.
It was not clear 1,000 years ago that the earth is old. But it is very clear now, except to a very small pocket of people who follow Answers In Genesis and Institute for Creation Research.
Nobody else believes the earth is young on empirical grounds – at all – unless they are married to a very particular and peculiar Biblical exegesis.
Contrast this with old-school Neo-Darwinism. It is the most troubled theory in the history of science. Why? Because it is challenged on empirical grounds by people in MANY MANY fields, many times having no religious dog in the fight whatsoever.
See my article about the “Salem hypothesis” for example http://evo2.org/salem-hypothesis/.
Now I certainly can respect people for holding to unpopular views because of their faith convictions. I can observe Mormons believing, in faith, that the American Indians are actually a lost tribe of Jews; and to an extent I can respect them for enduring ridicule for that.
But this belief is not supported by genetics. We have tools for proving or disproving this that Joseph Smith never had, and science proves the book of Mormon wrong.
And I believe we should incorporate such knowledge. I believe an honest Mormon should question his or her confidence in the Book of Mormon by the use of empirical evidence.
Young Earth Creation is equally without support from empirical science.
The same Christian who argues against the Mormon position on American Indians with modern science – or defends Biblical history with archaeology – is being hypocritical when he insists modern science is wrong about the age of the earth.
That is especially sad since 1) The Bible generally is a very reliable historical document and every Christian ought to know that, and 2) an Old Earth concordist interpretation of scripture works quite well.
What YEC commonly defends itself with is a pharisaical attitude that says, “We have the truth, we are the righteous ones, and those ignorant secularists are walking in darkness.”
It smacks of religiosity and it reminds me of the pharisees we read about in scripture. They hold to the letter of the law but miss the spirit.
In this case it is the religious people who are walking in darkness – because they cannot even see something that is right in front of their face – evidence from a dozen scientific disciplines that the earth is very old.
You will see the speed of light coming up again and again in comments on my site. Nowhere has any YEC person adequately addressed this problem. Not in any book or blog or website or anywhere.
Speed of light all by itself invalidates YEC. The universe is old, plain and simple.
Does that make death the hero? No it does not, and if you study my model of evolution, even death itself cannot exist without life being here first. Life is the prevailing driving force.
But make no mistake. This one fact – earth is old and not young – does force the YEC to re-evaluate LOTS of components of their theology.
This is not an indication that science is wrong. This is an indication that portions of YEC theology may also be wrong.
So yes, that means the YEC person may have to re-think a lot of things. That is scary and painful. It is inconvenient. It alters your theodicy. It challenges large assumptions about God and how He made the world.
If you have a significant Biblical education, you will have to relax your grip on any number of assumptions and re-evaluate them.
I never said this was going to be easy. I grew up YEC and it wasn’t easy for me.
But the process is necessary. And frankly for the thinking Christian it never really ends. Theology is always a work in progress.
Some folks are simply unwilling to do this.
But if you’re not willing, your faith is old wineskins. And it is being held in place by religious pride which is actually sin.
So I respectfully submit to you that none of us can afford to cling to provably false beliefs.
The arrogance of YEC and its contempt for scientists… as well as its presumption that they believe what they believe because they’re all sinful and depraved and lying to us etc etc… is giving Christianity a black eye.
This is no minor problem. This is a major issue. Many Christians are on the wrong side of this one.
It’s one of the many reasons why young people leave the church. It’s a major reason why my brother went from being a missionary to almost an atheist.
YEC and its champion ministries are unwittingly and systematically turning a percentage of Christians into agnostics and atheists because they’re forcing people to choose between science and the Bible.
Which is totally unnecessary, because there is no conflict between the Bible and science.
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That’s part of the problem. The stars aren’t very far away and neither the sun and moon. But science, and their lies would have you believe so. The true science is not what we learn in school. Unfortunately it’s so wide spread the counter to it is not excepted due to majority of sheep. I guess we should all open the new real window, that the earth is actually flat. It’s the largest overtaking of the liars and it’s winning big time. As long as the other isn’t considered your only option!!!
You hang your hat on the speed of light. There’s much evidence that it’s slowing down and may have been much higher in the past. Many many other things also point to a young earth, including the words of Jesus himself. Soft tissue inside a “68 million year old” dinosaur bone, trees growing up through 10s of millions of years of strata, the predictable number of mitochondrial mutations and extrapolating that back, etc. etc.
Please present the evidence that speed of light is slowing down.
NOTE: I’ve been through this before. I suggest you look elsewhere on my site before you answer.
Evolutionist offer unaided dead matter producing life, the cosmos out of chaos, design without a Designer, creation without a Creator, effect without Cause. It’s the riddle of science without God. I’m sorry I don’t have enough faith to accept “science” without God.
This blog post is about the age of the earth, not evolution. I refer you to other articles on this site about that.
I believe in Intelligent Design and feel there is room inside the I.D. umbrella to house both Young and Old Earth Creationist. I personally believe in a young earth creation and feel there is ample proof in nature to provide a convincing argument for that belief. I also an willing to hear arguments against it. Neither evolution or creation can be proven scientifically since neither can be recreated in a laboratory. The scientific method requires empirical data to be tested and retested before it becomes fact or law. Ultimately there are two theories and we are asked to place our faith in one or the other. I place my faith in a young earth theory because I feel the evidence for this is stronger and the bible seems to support this. Many disagree and I can live with their position. The central question we all must answer is not the age of the earth but to you who is Jesus? Either He is your Lord and Savior or not. That is the question that matters most.
Evolution is experimental, empirical and verifiable in real time. You can do specific things to create new species. See http://evo2.org/evolution-untold-story/ and http://evo2.org/darwin-troubled-theory/
It would appear that confusion exist between evolution and adaptation. God has created species with amazing abilities to adapt to stimuli in their surroundings. No one would argue that. Evolution, as taught in modern science, basically says one organism morphs into new organism. For example, simple aquatic life evolve into fish which evolve into reptiles which evolve into mammals of which eventually humans came. To my knowledge no fish has been recreated into a reptile, or any other animal, in a laboratory. My dog’s body adapts to temperature changes every year. I witness the growth and loss of fur at predictable times related to the temperature. This doesn’t mean my dog ceases to be a dog.
We do in fact generate new species in the lab:
I am an YEC. Materialistic evolutionists cite the observed adaptations within the kinds, then infer common ancestry of all living things. What observable evidence do you cite for common ancestry? If you go to the fossil”record”, what is your evidence of old age? Radiometric dating methods are inaccurate for dating the known age of objects, are they trustworthy for the dating of unknown ages of objects? Do you agree with geologists who date the fossils by the rocks they are found in, but date the rocks more accurately by the fossils that are in them? What of poly-striate fossils? What of the time clocks which limit the age of the earth, such as decreasing electromagnetism, the moon moving away from the earth, measurable amounts of carbon 14 in coal, diamonds and dinosaur bones, and let’s not forget soft tissue, red blood cells, and DNA found in Dino bones.
Also interesting is the recent study of zircon radioactive halos captured in granite. The existence of granite is a strong indicator that the earth was made suddenly and cool. The remaining daughter element, helium, has not dissipated, and indicates an age of thousands of years old, not millions or billions of years old.
150 years ago Darwin lamented the complete lack of transitional fossils. To this day, we have examples of complete successful creatures both living and fossilized. Since change from one KIND to another KIND of living thing is slow, where are all of the unhappy misfits which are caught in the middle of changing from one KIND of successful being into a different KIND of living creature? Any fossilized or living evidence? Evolutionary scientists claim evolution is more like a bush than a tree. If this is so, where are the living examples of of all these bushy failing misfits of living things? Seems to me all living things seem to be in happy stasis.
There are many evidences which indicate a young earth. He Bible says the wisdom of man is as foolishness to God. Why would you trust the wisdom of man (inwhich limits itself to NATURAL causes) to explain the age of the earth, and origins.
Change from one kind to another is not slow. it is fast. See
This is why there are few transitional fossils. It’s because in some cases there is no intermediate form.
In my book Evolution 2.0 I show new species in one to a handful of generations (not millions of years) and a tremendous level of real-time adaptations that atheists do NOT want Christians to know about. Click to the home page and you can get 3 free chapters.
Every single field of science (biology, geology, paleontology, anthropology, archeology, physics, astronomy, electrical engineering) indicates an old earth is far more likely than a young one. For the most part, only people who say “there are many evidences which indicate a young earth” are people who selectively read only literature that agrees with YEC. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh but it is true.
The list of atheists (never mind other religions) who have issues with Darwinian evolution, for example, is long indeed.
But the list of people who have issues with an old earth is pretty much limited to a peculiar strand of American evangelical Christians.
You really only need to know one thing to be certain the universe is old – and that’s the speed of light:
I respectfully challenge you on your YEC views. I do not believe the Bible teaches young earth (see http://www.evo2.org/genesis1) and I do not believe science does either.
You are not in danger of “compromise” by exploring the evidence for an old earth. There is MUCH literature on this topic and I invite you to let your curiosity take you on an adventure of new discoveries.
You claim that the speed of light is the only thing needed to prove that the universe is old, but that is not true. The speed of light by itself is not enough. You also need visible stars that are far more distant than the 6,000 years prescribed by YEC. And I do not deny such stars. However, this also fails to account for the fact that time is not constant. It has been proven to slow down in relation to gravity (or speed). Also take into account that the universe is expanding. All of this suggests that the universe emerged from a black hole. But for anything to escape a black hole, it must be a white hole. Time at the surface of a black hole (or a white hole) is frozen. There is much speculation on what could possibly cause a black hole to turn into a white hole. One is if time were running backward. But that is not really a viable option, for too many reasons. But another possibility is if the fabric of space were being stretched out. This can happen far faster than the speed of light and the objects on the fabric would be unaffected by that speed. I won’t go any further on this. I’m sure that you are likely already familiar with the White Hole Theory by Dr. Russ Humphreys. It’s only a theory. But it’s a good one. All the attacks I’ve seen on his theory have shown me that the person attacking it doesn’t understand it. Bear in mind that I do not apply this observation to ALL attacks on his theory, but only to all of the ones I’ve seen so far. I really would like to see one which shows that the attacker correctly understands Dr. Humphrey’s theory, and has found a real flaw in it. But if such an attack has been made, I have yet to see it. Simply put, his theory allows for the Earth to be only a few thousand years old, the universe to be billions of years old (at least the outer reaches of it anyway), while all of it created just a few thousand years ago (Earth time), in just 6 days. I realize I will not change your OEC position. And you won’t change my YEC position. The number one reason why you cannot change my position is that I know that death cannot have preceded sin. “Sin entered into the world through one man, and death THROUGH sin.” Death is the penalty of sin, spiritually immediate but physically by way of process. A careful reading of the first few chapters of Genesis makes this clear. I have studied this closely. That alone precludes the possibility of the evolution of kinds. And without the evolution of kinds, there is simply no need whatsoever for a belief in OEC. You can cite all the opinions of fallible Man that you want, and so can I. But the bottom line is that death is the penalty of sin. Sin preceded death. On that, we have the infallible Word of God. Without the context, it has been argued that the penalty of sin was merely spiritual death, and that physical death preceded sin. But the context won’t allow that.
I will be happy to accept propositions that time stretches because of gravity and relativity, but at that point I can’t see why YEC is justified in insisting on 24 hour days. The following explanation is quite elegant for example:
Regarding “context” – I’m sorry but you need to look closer. If you read Romans 5 very carefully it is quite clear that Paul is not talking about physical death he is talking about spiritual death. Substitute the word “death” for “physical death” vs “spiritual death” – as I have done here
And see for yourself.
Plus Paul is most certainly not talking about plants or animals at all.
SPIRITUAL death is the penalty for sin.
Jim, I don’t believe that the Bible requires a young earth. Please see my reply to Brian above.
Jim, I guess my reply to Brian is below, sorry.
Brian, I am 77 years old. I used to be Young Earth, but now I am not. Have you ever considered Genesis 2:5? It reads, “Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the LORD had not sent rain upon the earth; and there was no man to cultivate the ground” (NASB). Here “sprouted” means to come up from the ground and be visible to the sight. The creation account was given from the view that would have been seen by a person on the earth. If “earth” here means the whole earth and days were 24-hour days, why would the lack of rain be a problem since the continents were brought above the oceans only three days before this?
The first day of creation is defined by the statement, “And there was evening and there was morning, one day” (NASB). The phrase “one day” apparently defines the end of the first day of creation. One would have thought that Moses would have written “day one: or “the first day.” Twelve-hour days were just defined earlier in this verse as daylight. Why define day twice? Besides, a Hebrew’s day ends in the evening. The best way to understand Genesis 1 is to see the six days as God’s long days and to see the words “evening and morning” as LITERAL 12-HOUR NIGHTS between adjacent long creation days. As the day is the bases unit of time, Moses cut God’s long days (as we also do) at the junction of two 12-hour days. You may want to see my blog at http://www.garytmayer.blogspot.com.
It was not uncommon for God to call the part of a great thing by the same name as the larger—for examples, the sky was called “heaven” that was a part of the larger heaven where the stars are and the earth that came up from the sea was named for the total earth and compared to the heavens containing the luminaries. In this case, the smaller days, the 12-hour days of daylight, were named for God’s longer days.
I had to solve many problems in both the OT and NT when I formulated my scenario for my book.
I am a Christian, a follower of Jesus. Both sides of the argument are pointless. If God, being God, wanted a young earth process, remember he is the Creator, he could do so. If he wanted an old earth process, he could do so. The point is, he created. If we are to apply the standard that some use, a day is a thousand years, which I believe is symbolism for time being irrelevant, an expanse of time, which God lives outside of as eternal, then we must apply that same theory to every mention of time in Scripture and not be selective. In Revelation there is a king that is in power for one hour. Apply the theory and one hour translates into 42 years. If the Tribulation is seven years long, is that seven years or is it ten minutes, if you apply the theory. The point is this, IT DOESN’T MATTER IF THE EARTH IS OLD OR YOUNG! The critical questions are, Do we love God, Do we love people, Are we following the teaching of Christ, Do we love our enemies (even those that dare to disagree with our ‘I’m right and you’re wrong position), Do we love lives filled with Grace and Mercy, Do we esteem others as better than ourselves, Do we turn the other cheek, Do we bless those that use us? If we can’t answer yes to the above, why are we wasting our limited time on this earth in a meaningless debate?
to the people that this discussion DOES matter to, they may find salvation through the process of discussion and learning. God meets us where we are.
If God is powerful enough to create that star that is 100 million light years away, isn’t He powerful enough to create it and then make sure it’s light reached earth immediately after creating it? Also, just curious…do you believe the Bible is God’s Word, therefore truthful in what it tells us?
God is not powerful enough to engineer 99.99999% fake history into the universe (appears old, with exquisitely detailed features of age) because God is not a liar.
If the universe appears old but is really young, then all historical science is the study of an illusion.
I would not expect anybody to worship that kind of god.
Yes I believe the Bible is God’s word.
I do not believe that Ken Ham’s interpretation is God’s interpretation.
the premise of the question is:
“Can God create a law so powerful that He has to break it?”
Why would God create laws to govern the universe then have to break them, meanwhile overpowering the consequences in matter and timespace to do so. Then after his OWN laws that became an obsitcle to him were done being manipulated, he overpowered the consequences of returning the universe BACK to the normal control of his own laws.
that kind of God sounds like a human creation. Only a human with limited brain power would have to dance so insanely around themselves like this.
God would never create something that created disorder. He is not capable of disorder.
I’m not dogmatic young, medium or old earth but am creationist. Is the speed of light and the expansion of the universe the only evidence for the age of the universe? Could God not have created the universe at some other time than the singularity? Just as Adam and Eve are portrayed as created as adults, could not the universe be expanding, yet have begun in adult stage?
Just about every branch of science has considerable evidence for an old earth. Biology, geology, astronomy, anthropology, linguistics, engineering. See http://www.evo2.org/not-young-earth-creationist/
“[c, speed of light] verifies that yes, that star is in fact more than 100 million years old.”
It does no such thing. It only verifies the star light we see was produced 100 million years ago. For all we know it was born 100.00001 million years ago and died 99 million years ago, but we’ll only see that event 1 million years from now. None of which has anything to do with the age of earth.
For the record I’m not a YEC, but scientific “consensus” is an oxymoron. A simple example; an entomologist will tell you bees make honey using enzymes, a sciency-sounding name for magic juice. Humans have dissected millions of bees but have been unable to make synthetic honey out of pollen.
Actually-go out and really look at the rocks! Many sedimentary rocks show rhythmic banding, forming different types of layers depending on the time of year they were formed. There are thousands of rocks that show millions of continuous layers, showing they formed over millions of years. We can trace evolution of a species from very primitive in older rocks to more complex in younger rocks. They can be dated by radioactivity or by looking at the fossil remains as they change from the bottom to the top of the rock. The more we learn, the more evidence exists that the age of the earth is old, and the universe is older. “Germs” are continually evolving, and new ones keep appearing, such as aids, from minor changes in earlier “germs”.
How old is the earth? Planet earth does not have a certification to record its origination. Researchers and scientists spend hundreds of years to calculate the real age of the earth.
With current data, it is estimated that the age of planet Earth is 4.543 billion years. In addition, this estimate has a margin of error of 1%, which makes it quite accurate.
HOW DO YOU KNOW THE AGE OF THE EARTH? Click the link below for the answer
Gerald Schroeder rabbi and scientist
attempts to reconcile science and YEC stuff – controversial, but something to look at still
I must persuade you to see that the stalemate between the Young Earth and Old Earth Creationists is partially due to the OECs’ poor exegesis of Genesis and the NT. Those who believe in the literal, non-mythical interpretation of the Bible are never going to accept the way many OECs interpret Genesis. If this view was an acceptable view, I certainly would not have spent ten years working on writing my first edition of my book, giving nearly all my spare time on it, and some of this time was after I was fully retired. As there is no book like your Evolution 2.0, which explains evolution so well and shows how life depends on code, so there is no book like New Evidence for Two Human Origins: Discoveries That Reconcile the Bible and Science. This is because God put me through many disappointments to prepare me to be able to write this book.
Sarah Salviander made a great attempt to explain the days of creation (http://evo2.org/bible-science-reconciled/), and I even mentioned a similar conclusion in my book, which notes that “Gerald L. Schroeder in The Science of God devotes two chapters to discussing a surprising conclusion of some scientists. They calculated the average of the time that passed as viewed from each bit of space throughout the entire universe. They found the result to be six of our twenty-four-hour days! And this time would have ended about 6 or 7,000 years ago.[Gerald L. Schroeder, The Science of God: The Convergence of Scientific and Biblical Wisdom (The Free Press, 1997; Broadway books, New York, 1998), 41-71. Citations are to the Broadway edition.] These conclusions may or may not be true, and it may help some readers to accept a long-day view, but this is not what Moses was teaching the early Hebrews when he wrote Genesis 1. It becomes still necessary to see why the Spirit inspired Genesis as he did.
Moses was concerned about the early Hebrews’ lack of thankfulness. He wanted them to be thankful for the reoccurring aspects of life; therefore, he related how God created the day-night cycle on the first day, the water cycle on day two, the reproducing of plants on day three, etc. In each case, God stated that it was good to encourage the reader to give thanks. The first day of creation ended between a literal night and a morning. Days are the basic blocks for measuring time. “[E]vening and morning” are not to be taken figuratively because the context of day one will not permit it; however, the creation days are to be taken as long days because the first day in based, not on the presence of light, as the 12-hour days were defined, as God’s long days. For example, the first day is the time form the beginning of creation until the cut of time between a 12-hour day and the day following. We can see a defining period of time here because the text says, “And there was evening and morning, one day (Gen. 1:5, NASB), not “day one” or “the first day.” The Hebrew day ended in the evening so that it must not be talking of a 24-hour day. Besides, if the first day ended in the morning it actually would have been the second say because it had already gone from darkness to day to night and then back to day.
On slide 79 Salviander says that we are looking at the creation account from God’s perspective and His perspective pervades the universe. This was what Schroeder was explaining; however, Genesis 1 actually is taking the view of a person standing upon the earth all during the creation account. We know this because it repeats “And there was evening and there was morning…” (NASB). Any other perspective than from the surface of the earth would not produce the evening and morning effect.
Genesis 1 is writing about two aspects of the universe; verse 1 refers to the whole universe, and verse 2 narrows in on the earth. You cannot put these verses together somehow and conclude that they are referring to quarks, as Salviander seems to do. Also you cannot say that the Bible actually states that the luminaries became visible on day four, because it says, “And God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also. And God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth…” (Gen. 1:16-17, NASB). It is true that the timing when these luminaries become visible agrees with the findings of science, but that is not what the Bible says. As long as we do not take the Bible for what it actually says, we will never understand what the author was trying to explain, and worst of all, we will never be able to harmonize the Bible and science. Please notice it says that the greater light (the sun) was placed there to “govern the day,” reminding us of the creation of the day-night cycle in verse 4-5. We must also note that God called the light good in verse 4. Also God then “called the light day, and the darkness He called night” (NASB). Next it says there was evening and morning. Notice that the system of night and day, according to the author of Genesis, seems to include not only the sun but the moon also (v. 16). When you put all this together to try to determine how you can have the day-night cycle created on day 1 and the luminaries which “govern the day and the night” (v. 18) created on day 4, you must come to only one conclusion—he is consolidating the aspects of creation into blocks so that the readers can feel the impact of the goodness of their Creator. His method is now seen to be simplification and consolidation. If this is true of the day-night cycle and of the luminaries, it must be true of the other days also. Remember, the stars in the heaven came into existence as time passed from long creation day to the next. Moses could have placed the creation of the luminaries on almost any day of creation. But this is true of the other aspects of the creation account. As it turned out he organized the days of creation into two triads with a total of eight aspects. This is all explained in chapters 10 and 11 of my book. Arie Noordtzij was the first to use this general approach to explain the ordering of the days of creation; in any case, this was whom Meredith G. Kline credits with it (my book, 280); my conclusions, however, are not exactly like Noordtzij’s or Kline’s.
In regards to the notion expressed by Salviander (slide 127) and many other interpreters that verses 16-19 are saying that the luminaries became visible only on the fourth day, if it were true that the point of observation of the author in Genesis 1 was from God’s omnipresent view, then how can we switch to viewing creation from a person standing on the earth on day 4. Actually, the view is basically the view of a person on the earth in all cases. It is best not to switch the viewpoint from day to day as best fits the author’s scenario.
Next I would like to comment on the popular view of many theistic evolutionists, (and remember, I am a theistic evolutionist), the view that the account of the creation of Adam in Genesis 2 is to be interpreted as a spiritual creation. This view cannot be true for many reasons. Of course, the first reason is that the text itself describes a physical creation. It says Adam was created out of the ground and Eve from the side of Adam, very straightforward text. In slide 132, Salviander explains that Nahmanides believed that the inclusion of the Hebrew prefix that is often translated into English as “to” serves to give Genesis 2:7 a special meaning. Genesis 2:7 says, “Then the LORD God formed man [Heb., the man] of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being” (NASB). The to-prefix is inserted before “living being [also trans. soul].” This is supposed to give some extra meaning to this verse that would not otherwise be there. But Nahmanides is simply wrong! You may check out these verses that also include this prefix; this will show you that this was bad exegesis: Judges 17:12; 1 Samuel 10:12; 22:2; 2 Samuel 8:6, and Ezekiel 17:6. The Hebrew term for living soul is also used in Genesis 1:24 to refer to animals. It was necessary for God to transform this lifeless soil into a live breathing soul.
And we can go on to 1 Corinthians 15:35-49, especially verses 44-49: “[I]t is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. So also it is written, ‘The first MAN, Adam, BECAME A LIVING SOUL. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.’…And just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.” Paul wants to show the reader that the resurrected body will be different from the physical body; he, therefore, compares the natural (or physical) body of Adam with the spiritual body of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. He quotes Genesis 2:7 to contrast the natural body with the spiritual body. He says that Adam became a live soul; this has to mean a physical body. This whole passage deals with bodies, not spirits. Someone will say, “But it says here that Adam was ‘the first man.’” By this statement he shows that he thinks this verse means that Adam was the first human. But this is not the context of the passage, which will not allow this interpretation. This is because Christ is the last man, according to 1 Corinthians 15:45. Christ was only the last man of His personal genealogy; so the text is not saying that this “first man” was the first man of all men, but rather that Adam was the first man of Christ’s genealogy.
If Adam’s creation was only a spiritual creation, why did his descendants live to be an average of 929 years, 13 times what ancient life spans were, that is, about 60 years? And why did they drop in one generation to Shem’s life span of 600 years? And why did they decrease to their average age of 445 years at the Tower of Babel, remain at this time very little changed, and then fall to approximately the average of their 445 and 60 years? Peleg lived to be 239 years. And why do the actual life spans of the genealogies given in Genesis 5 and 11 fall near to one of the most probable calculated life spans based on the dual origins thesis?
If the death of Adam and Eve were only spiritual, then why did God place guards by the entrance to the Garden so that no one could get to the tree of life? If the tree of the knowledge of good and evil brought spiritual death, would not the tree of life bring spiritual life? Going to the New Testament, it becomes clear that the death that Adam experienced was both spiritual and physical because otherwise Paul’s argument in Romans 5 would not hold water. Paul proves that Adam’s sin brought physical death by showing that the people who lived between Adam and Moses died (v. 14). What people do not realize is that Roman 5:12 is making reference to a sin against a direct command of God, and that the rebellious disobedience of Adam resulted in God’s imputation of sinfulness to the whole human race, those before Adam and those after Adam. As is often the case where verses are referencing Adam and Eve and their transgression, the English translations do not give the best translation of the Hebrew or Greek text. Romans 5 actually says, “Therefore, just as through one man [the] sin entered into the world, and death through [the] sin and so death spread to all men, because all sinned [that is in God’s judgment]” (NASB). If Paul uses the word sin to refer to sin which is not against a command of God or the Law, he omits the article, but if he means a sin that was committed against either of these, he adds the article. This is why even though Eve sinned before Adam sinned and Eve “fell into transgression” (1 Tim.2:14), Adam was the one who showed forth the rebellious nature of mankind. This is why it was Adam’s transgression that caused God to declare all men sinners, not Eve’s transgression. Paul attributes this to the fact the Eve was deceived by the serpent, but Adam was not. This is why Romans 5:12 is not saying that Adam was the first human to sin in any manner. This causes much misunderstanding in the church. Pre-Adamic man sinned but not against a direct command of God. Now Paul in Romans 5:13-14 begins to prove that man is under the judgment of death even though he does not sin against a direct command of God as Adam did. So he mentions that the people who lived after Adam, but before the Law of Moses was given, all died. Here he was pointing to the obvious—something that you could not debate as to whether the person was spiritually alive or not. He was definitely referring to physical death to prove his point that we are all judged to be sinners. But thank God he goes on to say, “But the free gift is not like the transgression. For if by the transgression of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many” (Rom. 5:15, NASB). It is true that both physical death and spiritual death are Paul’s concerns, but he uses physical death to help prove his point.
In summary, people who are concerned about harmonizing the Bible and science and are aware of the evidence for an old earth and the evolution of man, are driven to accept all kinds of unbiblical and contradictory interpretations of the Bible. They are many times very intelligent, but they lack the experience in biblical exegesis; their profession in usually in some other field. But theologians also have let us down in their lack of concern for finding a true and workable solution. I would have wished rather that I could have read a book that explained the OT Hebrew and the NT Greek in such a way that I would have understood the dual origin thesis, but there were no such books written; I had to, therefore, put my engineering background, my Bible school and seminary education, and my linguistics training together and with the help of the Holy Spirit figure it all out. It was my hope that my book would cause people who never even consider the viability of Christianity to discover its truths and the Truth, but hardly anyone goes to my blog and the same has been the fate of even my latest edition (2015) of my book. Hopefully someone will be convinced of its worth and give me a hand since I am 77 years old. The first half of my book is no academia.edu.
I’m a reborn Christian, 66 years old, and besides that, a physical and theoretical chemist also familiar with particle physics, cosmology, and relativity, and last but not least: psychology. I always feel awkward to come up with so many different fields. When there is one thing I really want to avoid then it’s coming off as arrogant. Something simply drove me to do that. The Lord knows why.
I know Gerald Schroeder’s books for a long time, all of them. Had a one-hour telefone call with him some decades ago. Brilliant work.
Sarah Salviander has nicely reviewed his work without adding anything new. But in the last few weeks, I have overcome myself to also have a closer look at the “crazy” YEC relativistic model of Humphreys which is in best agreement to Genesis. Not bad! Not bad! I share your opinion and concerns. God bless you.
Hi Ruediger,
Thanks for stopping by. As an Electrical Engineer I don’t find Humphrey’s explanation regarding speed of light to be satisfactory. Glad you probe so many different fields, that is a great way to make your thinking more fluid.
Hi Perry
I’m with you all the way on the speed of light in Humphrey’s approach. Nevertheless, I know some scientists with excellent backgrounds, most of whom have studied both math and physics, who are just longing for an improved YEC approach. Nevertheless, I know some scientists with excellent backgrounds, most of whom have studied both math and physics, who are just longing for an improved YEC approach. Nevertheless, I know some scientists with excellent backgrounds, most of whom have studied both math and physics, who are just longing for an improved YEC approach. Among them is Ola Hössjer, (Sweden’s most famous mathematician) whose book “Becoming a Christian – combining prior belief, Evidence and will” I critically discussed with him for half a year. Every now and then I also think of the inflation period of the Standard Model, during which spacetime with its vacuum fluctuations expanded with far more than the “speed of light”.Of course, this is not the same as when an observable particle with an extremely small rest mass flies past an observer at this speed. Nevertheless. The virtual particles, which are only measurable to us through the limitations of the uncertainty principle, exert forces “as if from nowhere” through the Casimir effect! And it is exactly these vacuum fluctuations, which after inflation caused the corresponding density fluctuations in space, which finally formed the structures of our universe. The energetic zero point on the statistical average is a quantity that we form in our mind. The small details of the vacuum fluctuations obviously played a major role in the cosmic music of the divine masterpiece. But you have given another nice keyword: stay “fluid”. If you do not, you run the risk of getting stuck like a drill in bossy useless debates. Unfortunately, I observe this particularly violently not only in the theological debates in the USA. Perhaps more on this next time.
This book is pretty forthright about unsolved problems in the YEC viewpoint https://smile.amazon.com/Case-Young-Earth-Creationism-Zondervan-Digital-ebook/dp/B007MEUQCE/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=a+case+for+young+earth+creationism+paul+nelson&qid=1584103366&s=books&sr=1-1
Dear Perry, I’ve been following your work for many years, and have deeply appreciated the excellent ways you have dealt with the issues. The prize you created and offered has put the other side on notice that Christians are not afraid of science. I’m actually considering doing something similar for the growing atheist community. I’m finding friends and family who grew up in church abandoning their faith and espousing the ‘no god’ philosophy.
As I have explored going down that trail (a prize for proving something very basic), I had an ‘Occam’s razor’ moment relative to your work. Although God blessed me with good intelligence, I’m no genius, but He did gift me with a unique ability. I have read thousands of books over the years as I pursued dual careers in Ministry and business. I’m an Ordained Bishop in my denomination, but I supported myself in full-time business so that I could work in the ministry for free. (Paul’s ‘tentmaker’ example) I had an exceptional career the past 50+ years in both. The gift God allowed me is the ability to pull together seeming unrelated pieces of info to develop unique solutions to major problems. I’ll leave it to your judgement whether or not my proposal applies to your areas of expertise, but I’ll briefly explain my thoughts, and if you are interested, we could explore it further.
My idea is a result of researching for many years the nature of the universe, the impossible depth of DNA, the math related to ‘fine-tuning’, odds of random protein development, and very importantly the ‘massless’ nature of everything that exists. There is much more to consider, but I think those areas are enough to convey the Occam’s razor concept I have. Your EV2.0 prize is at the core of what led me to this thought process. Although I did some programming in the early days of computing (punch cards, Basic, Cromix, and a few others) coding is not my gifting. However, my son turned out to be a computer genius who has solved computing problems which experts have said were impossible. I’ll stop with my ‘back story’ for now and present my thoughts.
It is impossible for the universe to exist without the extreme fine-tuning it has.
CERN has proven that the actual mass of the universe is almost nothing, and has theorized that the larger collider they are building will eliminate the last bit of mass.
Life cannot exist without code, and no random code in nature has ever been discovered.
Without ‘mass’, gravity is a major problem.
The mystery of black holes, dark matter, dark energy, and the current acceleration of the universe expanding create huge obstacles for the current theories.
The “Are we living in a simulation’ supporters are growing rapidly due to the obvious scientific issues.
Given these issues and many more I didn’t list, have we missed the obvious solution for all of these problems?
I’ve watched my son type code in excess of 200 words per minute, and then read it back to me explaining every detail on the page. He can form in his mind what the code needs to be so that his programs will run flawlessly. When he complies all of his code and hits ‘enter’, the entire program is operational instantly. To expand on that, given enough time, he could write the code for an artificial universe down to the last quantum particle, hit enter, and the entire universe (at what ever level he created it to be) would instantly exist. The answer to that ability. Mind. We are made in His likeness… with a spark of divinity.
You already know where I’m going with this, but I’ll summarize. If you believe in an Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient God, why do we assume that billions of years were necessary, or even useful for His purposes? All of time, matter, and life was fully formed in His mind before He spoke it into existence. He created Adam and Eve fully developed in a fully developed universe that supported and sustained their existence. Why would we limit God from doing what we know computer programmers do every day? The logic of creating a program that would eventually mature into a useful business tool, or a game simulation that could eventually be played, is just not logical… or in keeping with what we believe about God. ‘Apparent age’, like in a simulation, has no limiting factor or useful purpose within God’s plan for humanity. Everything related to historical age issues of ‘life and death’ that we observe can be explained with the Flood. Continental shifting, large scale climate change, and explosion of the current population of all life forms easily fits within our current understanding of observable science. Bottom line. We are not wrong to let the Bible guide us in our search for the simplest solution to all the diverse theories.
Why, given that the universe if full of ‘codes’, and the mind of God is infinitely beyond the greatest super computer, would we limit him to accidental codes, punch cards, basic, various coding languages developing over billions of years, simply because WE are limited in our perspective? Either we fully believe in His omnipotence, or we don’t.
I would love to hear your thoughts!
Blessings to you and yours!
What your son does is amazing and truly inspiring. I love how people can visualize entire worlds in their heads and then create them.
How to interpret your message depends on whether I look at it through a philosophical lens, or a scientific lens. I hope I am understanding your questions correctly in what follows.
Honestly whether the earth is 6000 years old or 4 billion years old doesn’t change the behavior of MOST people very much. But it does matter to a scientist and it does change the way he or she approaches their work.
At some point we have to ask whether all of the “clocks” in nature are telling us the truth… or not. I had a young earth creationist who hung around here for a long time. He insisted that the Bible says the earth is young, so we ought to believe that and not “compromise”. I disagreed with him that the Bible says the earth is young, I don’t think it speaks much to the issue.
And then I would press him on certain points:
If the Large Magellanic Cloud is visible at 163,000 light-years away from Earth, is it really at 163,000+ years old? Or does it just appear that way?
If there are all kinds of things in the universe that are really very young but appear old, how old did God design the universe to look?
I never could get a straight answer from him.
And: Just exactly where is the dotted line where things up to a certain apparent age are really that old, and all the things that appear older than that, aren’t?
This is not a trivial question in the slightest. A scientist takes these questions very seriously.
To put it bluntly I have never gotten satisfactory answers from the YEC community on these issues and I do not feel that YEC can be defended scientifically. I grew up YEC but I had to change my views.
Thanks so much for your response, Perry. To clarify my point, since ‘code’ is fundamental to life and the universe, and God created Adam and Eve with apparent age, shouldn’t we at least consider the probability that God also created the world and the universe fully formed as well? Since the Bible states that Eve was the mother of all humans (apart from Adam) and that humans need a very specialized environment for survival, those circumstances would also have to be fully formed before He created them. The illustration with my son (hypothetical) was that all the ‘code’ for creation, life, time, quantum mechanics, etc. could have been invented, fully matured, before He spoke it into existence. Which is a greater leap of faith? To believe that God took billions of years to accomplish His plan, or that He simply conceived it, and spoke it into existence at the time of His choosing? A human programmer spends massive amounts of time to create a game simulation before they compile and run the code. If their code was complete and detailed enough, their simulated world is formed and working instantly. God, not being limited by time, could simply skip to the ‘beginning’, and run His code. Am I wrong to consider this as a likely approach, given the infinite qualities of God?
But the world does not seem to have appeared fully formed. It appears to have an EXQUISITELY detailed, fine-grained, discoverable and very long history. You can literally see that history in any deep space telescope.
Yes, God can do “anything” but he doesn’t. Even after the resurrection, Jesus’ body had scars. His body showed its history after arguably the biggest miracle in scripture. That is a useful clue.
When you take the “God can do anything” approach you relegate millions of years of very observable, quantifiable history to the ‘fake’ category. 99.999% of scientists for excellent reasons will never accept this. It cripples their profession and I agree with them.
A followup thought to consider. Doesn’t your EV2.0 prize lend support to my proposal? In spite of some of the best minds on the planet looking for naturally occurring code, no one has even come close to claiming the prize. And yet we know that code is fundamental to everything in the universe. Code, by its very nature requires ‘mind’. When I go into my workshop and select a piece of wood, I already know what I’m going to make from it. God goes infinitely beyond that. He starts with ‘nothing’, and simple speaks the entire universe into existence. I am neither YEC, or big bang. Choosing to focus on either is presumptuous on our part. We weren’t there. We are not even close to understanding the mysteries of the universe, much less God Himself. If we truly believe that God is timeless, then the beginning is simultaneous with the ending of this universe… for Him.
Consider this. Is the universe and all life, other than mankind, equally as important as humanity? Given that God has already stated that this universe, and all it contains will be destroyed, but that those who choose Him will spend eternity in a ‘new heaven and new earth’, the answer seems obvious. As precise as the Word of God is, why didn’t He use the same conceptual language for creation as he did for Christ? Rom. 5:6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Gen. 1:1 could have read “At just the right time, God created Adam and Eve”. But that was not the image He wanted to convey, “In the beginning”… The most ‘real’ thing in creation is mankind, who was given an eternal soul. Everything else could be considered ‘virtual’. Real enough from our perspective, but virtual reality from the standpoint the He simply spoke it into existence, and the deeper we go, the closer we are to seeing the everything is pure energy with no mass. Why did anything need to exist prior to “In the beginning”?
I’m going to share a personal experience that may brand me as a ‘fanatic’ by you and others. I’ll risk it. If you follow the logic of my experience though, you’ll see where my current thinking came from. I hope it doesn’t distract from the previous points I’ve tried to make.
In the mid 70’s while I was in seminary preparing for the Navy Chaplaincy, I had an extraordinary experience. I had been fasting the previous 10 days and was praying while I was driving. When God spoke to me, I was stunned! It was absolutely clear that God was speaking. He said “Robert, your priorities are wrong.” Looking back, I’m still amazed at how arrogant I was. I immediately responded “My priories are you 1st, my family 2nd, and my ministry 3rd.” I ‘knew’ that because I had recently written it down. There are no words to properly describe what I experienced next. I saw my entire life in perfect detail. Not like watching a movie, or evaluating experiences that confirmed God’s statement. It was my entire life, instantly conveyed in a revelatory way. To say I was crushed doesn’t do justice to the experience. Although there was more to this encounter, my point is that God has no need for time to do His work. My life was transformed in an instant as I surrendered to His plan for my future. 50 years later He is still fulfilling the path He put me on that day.
Perry, I love the work you are doing. It has been a source of encouragement to see you stand against the world’s flawed thoughts about God. I know that you have spent a lifetime exploring this path you are on, and because it makes logical sense to you, you have dedicated your life to spread what you believe. At 75, I’m finding that many things I ‘knew’ with certainty in my 30’s to 60”s have ceased to even be important as I gain a deeper relationship with God. I encourage you to at least consider the juxtaposition of time and coding, and balance them with God’s statement about ‘the beginning’. I think many are stuck on ‘apparent age’, and perhaps feel that God is in someway restricted by that. If He is in fact the source of all coding, He simply hit ‘enter’ at the point His coding was designed to create and support, and here we are. What a miracle for us… but just a simple word from Him. How old the universe is from ‘our perspective’ is not even important compared to the eternity He intends for us to spend with Him! With out faith, it is impossible to please God. So I choose to place my faith in Him, and not get stuck on my own intellect or logic. Blessings to you and yours, and may He use EV2.0 to point people toward Christ.
Thank you for sharing your God encounter story. I don’t think you’re crazy at all. And I salute you for sharing it.
I also agree with you that writ large, conception precedes embodiment. Information first. The LOGOS came first. I can’t imagine we even begin to know what that really means.
Yet I also think we are talking past each other. You’re coming from a very particular point of view, which adds a theological perspective and acknowledges there are vast regions of things we know nothing about.
Some people would listen to me and get the impression I’m trying to steal their sense of wonder. Quite the opposite. I don’t think there are very many things we can do to increase our sense of wonder than to carefully study nature.
I still object to saying that we simply cannot know how old things are, or determine facts of history from science. The James Webb telescope can see 10 billion light years away and that means when we capture images from it, you are literally seeing events that took place 10 billion years ago, finally reaching our instruments right now. I’m just not willing to throw that away. That knowledge is too valuable and it’s too interconnected to other realms of knowledge.
Only a person with a strong background in physics can fully appreciate what I am saying.
And as a theologian I am not willing to say that God made the universe 10,000 years ago and everything older than that is just an illusion of age. That drags us into terrible philosophical quagmires.
Just because all of the mysteries of God may be impossible to grasp doesn’t mean we should stop trying to understand what we can. I talked about this in a recent blog post: https://evo2.org/miracles-in-science/
“We are to press known secondary causes as far as they will go in explanation of facts. We are not to resort to an unknown cause for explanation of phenomena until the power of known causes has been exhausted. If we cease to observe this rule there is an end to all science and of all sound sense.”
-Congregational minister and Geologist George Frederick Wright (1876)
When you talk to a person who is committed to pushing science as far as it can possibly go, your proposal is going to get resistance because I feel it abdicates on some very important matters.
I do not mean any disrespect, I just mean to say that there are some things that happen IN time and those things are understandable by natural means.
Perry, I can’t adequately convey how appreciative I am of you taking the time to dialog with me on your blog. The gift of your time and thoughts has been precious and I will treasure them. I won’t bother you further, and you don’t even need to respond to this final post. I just want to state that you and I are much closer to agreement than to disagreement. You have challenged and stimulated my thinking, and I am deeply grateful for you kind interaction.
I’ll offer a final few thoughts that perhaps we can agree to, or in brotherly love just agree to disagree. You make a valid point that God would not create the universe with ‘an illusion of age’. That would imply that God was misleading us in ways that do not reflect His holy, righteous, perfection. I totally agree with you on that. What I was alluding to is something much deeper that I am not equipped to explain. It is infinitely beyond the ‘quantum’ realm of science. What I experienced when God spoke to me was more real than my natural life. For a brief instant, God took me into His realm and I experienced my entire life instantly, with full explicit understanding of my behavior, values, attitudes, successes and failures, loves and hates, and so much more. It was an experience that has no comparable corelation in the natural world. Nothing I have ever experienced was ‘more real’ than that.
One of the biggest differences between us and God is time. While we are bond by its linear nature, He is independent of it in every way. He is everywhere, at all times, has always been and will forever be. As you pointed out, you can observe in our time something that happened 10 billion years ago. I don’t disagree with that and I’m endlessly fascinated by how much we have learned about the universe in my lifetime. Our perception of time is based on our linear one dimensional measurements and perceptions. God has no limits relative to time. He encountered me at a point in time I remember vividly, but when He introduced me to His realm, time became irrelevant. He ‘revealed’ my life to me completely, but also instantly. Did that alter my timeline in any way? Of course not. Did it alter my life? Indelibly and permanently! So which experience was more real? My life during that instant I experienced fully 30 years of life, or the 45 years I’ve lived since? For me, as odd as this may sound, they are equally real. God is just as real to me now as He was during that experience.
God has stated numerous times in many ways that the heavens reveal Him. Since the universe is an expression of His creative power and glory, there is nothing false or misleading about it. It is real and we have been given the ability and opportunity to explore and discover its mysteries and majesty. I have no trouble accepting billions of years, trillions of galaxies, and endless wonders… because I know that God is greater than all that… and more important… the creator of time! What you can observe and test with scientific methods has legitimate value, and is a God given gift. We both believe God created everything and established the laws that govern all of it.
Be careful with this one thing though. No where in scripture can you find that God is limited in any way by His creation or any of the laws that govern it. The abundance of miracles in the Bible that seem to break the natural laws are a clear statement from Him that our focus and trust must be in Him and not in His creation. You correctly point out that we should learn all we can about creation using the abilities God gave us. But to the extent that we place our trust, lets call it faith, in those natural laws, we risk breaking the most important commandment. Much of the scientific community has replaced God with science. I’m certain you have not done that. Your love for God is clearly evident. My concern for EV2.0 is that many will view the challenge as evidence that naturally occurring codes will eventually be found as further evidence that God does not exist. If the focus was weighted more to the side of ‘proof’ that codes do not, and mathematically could not occur naturally, perhaps I would feel differently. You have ‘signaled’ by your requirement of ownership and patent rights that you believe that naturally occurring codes may be found. I hope I’m wrong about that, but after all these years, that is my perception.
One of the best sources of scientific knowledge in the Bible is the Book of Job. There are many things revealed in the conversations that did not become ‘science’ until thousands of years later. The most important lesson in the book though is the last few chapters. After being maligned by the ‘comforters’, and His integrity challenged by Job, He answers none of the questions or assertions. He simply points out various parts of creation and asks “Where were you when I…”. After a lifetime of study, my synopsis of Job is: I’m God. You’re not. That’s a wonderful thing!
You can’t place science on a level basis with the Creator. God is infinitely beyond science. You can’t restrict Him to a set of rules that fit human logic. At our very best we fall woefully short of fully understanding creation, much less the Creator. But He is the ‘most real’ and perfect being in existence. So I will grant you the ‘realness’ of the distances and immense amounts of time… from our perception. I will accept the rigorous adherence to scientific method… for things that are science based. What I won’t do is ‘put God in a box’ to fit my logic and human limitations. God does not violate natural laws. He exceeds them at a level that is beyond our understanding.
I am not a prophet, so feel free to take this with a ‘grain of salt’. God has on a few occasions allowed me glimpses of the future. During the next 10 years, there will be incredible breakthroughs in science that will test the faith of spiritually weak individuals. I believe a credible claim on your prize will be made that involves discoveries that I’m not equipped to explain or understand. It will be touted as proof that the universe itself created life. Examined carefully though, it will actually point to the Creator. More importantly, an AI hybrid will be created that is actually a living being. I believe DNA will be a fundamental part of that creation. A fundamental change in how science perceives time will also be promoted by science. Don’t lose your way in all that is coming Perry. Your faith is infinitely more important that your scientific quest. I love you my brother, and pray for God’s continuous guidance and blessings!
Just because someone solves my prize doesn’t mean they’ve disproven God. I’m already well prepared for the possibility that the prize may be winnable and that there is a physical / empirical solution to Origin Of Life.
Actually I think the technological implications of “discovering the secret of life” are scarier than any threat that it somehow gets rid of God.
Yes I believe that AI hybrids will exist, I already know they’re in development and I know people who are working on such things.
I believe nature is for all practical purposes “infinitely deep” and that every answer we find in science only reveals three more questions. This only reinforces my belief that outside of that is a Oneness that has spoken it all into existence.
To your personal experiences – I don’t know if you’ve ever seen my “miracles” page – http://www.coffeehousetheology.com/miracles. I’ve had MANY mystical experiences, prophetic experiences (see my book “Memos from the Head Office” which is a prophetic business book https://amzn.to/3UAwIcA) and witnessed many miraculous things. I believe in miracles because I’ve seen them with my own eyes.
So I take your spiritual journeys seriously and I realize there is a realm that transcends time and space. Thank you for sharing some of your insights and personal history with me.