An interesting article blurb: “A minimal cell is usually defined as a cell in which all genes are essential. This definition is incomplete, because the genetic requirements for survival, and therefore the minimal genome size, depend on the environment in which the cell is grown. The work described here has been conducted in medium that…
March 29, 2024March 25, 2024December 4, 2023November 22, 2023February 28, 2023December 22, 2022September 23, 2020Recent Comments
- What's the matter with miracles in science?
- Johan Nel { Martin, Just a vey short summary of my views: The cell : The most primitive simple cell to function needs ... }
- Amal M { Hi Perry, I've read your Evolution 2.0 book and it was an eye opener for me and I was convinced ... }
- martin rag { Dear Perry, as to yours: "when cancer cells are this smart, then what can healthy cells do?" I completely understand ... }
- Oxford Professor Denis Noble takes down “The Selfish Gene”
- Amal Mohan { Hi Perry, I've read that Dennis Noble doesn't believe in genetic "codes" or any other programs/codes/ blueprints... could you please clarify ... }
- Eli Smithson { “ This person’s statement that life is bottom-up, not top down, is something he needs to prove. Nobody gets to ... }
- Courage Fueled by Curiosity = Love
- Marc Wong { Back in the day, my English teacher introduced us to Northrop Frye, who wrote in his book “The Secular Scripture” ... }
- Intellectual Cage Match: Perry Marshall vs. Mike Levin
- Josh S { You can read his book The Master Builder: How the New Science of the Cell Is Rewriting the Story of ... }
- Josh S { All the research I've read indicates that inheritance will always resolve at the unit of the genes. Also, could you ... }
- Josh S { If Levin’s work is indeed correct, what are its implications to the current Modern Synthesis paradigm? }
- Science is Reconsidering Evolution
- Josh S { Perry, have you noticed how the neo-Darwinists are claiming that the evolutionary mechanisms discussed in your book (horizontal gene transfer, ... }
- A Closer Look at Genesis 1
- Pete Holzmann { Perry, This is quite interesting. Sarah Salviander (astrophysicist ) has her own quite detailed comparison of Genesis 1 and the science... ... }
- Bible and Science, Reconciled
- Pete Holzmann { Perry, I encourage adding linkage to Sarah's work on her website. It's quite good 😉 ...Here's the page with this ... }
- Origin Of Life: What We Do and Do Not Know
- Evgenii Rudnyi { I know some papers of Levin, thank you. By the way, by Peirce the creative step in logic was abduction. ... }
- Evgenii Rudnyi { Perry, Thank you for the link. Have I understood correctly, that negentropy is creativity in cognition? I agree with you ... }
- Evgenii Rudnyi { I believe that it would be better to remove disorder and order from the list. The problem is that there ... }
- When Dinosaur Books Are More Dangerous Than Playboy Magazine
- Rob Black { Perry, Just thought I would mention: You were right! I just (finally) finished reading ...And It Was So. Very interesting ... }
- Young Earth Creation vs. Old Earth Creation
- Robert Sullivan { Perry, I can’t adequately convey how appreciative I am of you taking the time to dialog with me on your ... }
- Robert Sullivan { A followup thought to consider. Doesn’t your EV2.0 prize lend support to my proposal? In spite of some of the ... }
- Robert Sullivan { Thanks so much for your response, Perry. To clarify my point, since 'code' is fundamental to life and the universe, ... }
- Isn't a Deist God a little less troublesome?
- Mukesh Chauhan { Equality existed before Christ. We were all born equal...the entire worldly cycle is not fully understood by both religions and ... }
- The Biggest Mystery in the History of the Universe | Joana Xavier on the Origin of Life
- martin rag { hey Perry, just to clarify: no, I am not YEC, it seems that Earth is way older than 6000 - ... }
- martin rag { Dear Perry, >Joana is certainly interested in bioengineering of self replicating machines. Just because it hasn’t been done doesn’t mean ... }
- martin rag { Dear Perry, once again, thank you for not censoring my comments. Also, thank you for your patience and understanding.. . I ... }
- Why computers are not conscious: Assigning Meaning
- Josh Sharp { Perry, I read your blog, but I have to ask, do your sources provided at the end accept the genetic ... }
- Josh Sharp { I can't take Sara Walker seriously anymore after she started promoting Assembly Theory with Cronin }
- Josh Sharp { What I am understanding is that dogmatic neodarwinists do not want to accept the possibility of an intelligent agent behind ... }
- What's the matter with miracles in science?