Courage Fueled by Curiosity = Love

Why are important conversations so difficult and why is curiosity the greatest virtue? Dov Baron from British Columbia describes the emotional source code rules that govern our conversations about politics, religion, evolution, cancer and relationships. His website is

Dov Baron [email protected]


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2 Responses

  1. Marc Wong says:

    Back in the day, my English teacher introduced us to Northrop Frye, who wrote in his book “The Secular Scripture” that: the journey towards one’s own identity has a great deal to do with escaping from the alleged “reality” of what one is reading or looking at, and recognizing the convention behind it.

    My English teacher also got us to do our memoirs and journal. Examining one’s past in a thoughtful, honest manner is a great way to discover oneself. Doing a journal is a great way to become articulate.

    Growth happens when we think and feel and accomplish things beyond our comfort zones. It’s not just doing things outside our comfort zones. We have to reflect on it and absorb the lessons within.

    Many people are familiar with things that challenge one’s physical limits (eg. training to run a marathon). But we can also apologize, forgive, understand, respect, help, and bring out the best in others, beyond our comfort zones. The more we succeed beyond our soft-skills comfort zones, the more empathetic, compassionate, connected with humanity we become, the more self-actualized we become.

    Helping others makes us stronger. Growth makes us less prone to extremism and demagoguery.

    I believe humanity has to set a goal to bring out the best in itself (by inspiring everyone to understand, respect, help, and bring out the best in others). We can change people’s fashion, diet, exercise, safe driving and other attitudes and behaviors. We can change people’s soft-skills abilities. Doing so will allow us to start honest work on the many intractable problems we have.

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