Last time I asked you to imagine composing a mashup of the Beatles’ song “Hey Jude” with the Rolling Stones’ song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” with your friends. (Read Part 1 here).
I asked…
Who wrote that mash up?
Did the song “Hey Jude” write it? No.
Did the song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” write it? Of course not.
You did. And what did you do? You took parts of two “viruses,” mixed them together, made a new virus and infected the world with it. Something not alive entered you, then became alive; it changed you and you changed it.
If you “fractal” your way down to the level of cells and viruses, this is exactly what’s going on with every virus. Once the virus moves from the kitchen counter to inside you, the cells in your body begin modifying the virus and the virus in turn starts modifying them.
Exactly what it’s doing and why it’s doing it, we don’t know. But what we do know is what happened during the pandemic. Variants like Delta and Omicron got more contagious and less lethal.
I harbor doubts that your body is trying to help the virus be more contagious… but it is modifying it. Any modification that is inherently more contagious is going to replicate more. That’s gonna happen by selection alone.
As for the less lethal part, I absolutely think the human body is trying to modify the virus to make it less lethal. I believe our bodies say to themselves, “Hmmmm, I can’t stop the intruder, but can I modify him so he doesn’t kill my children? Can I take away his gun? Can I distract him? Can I give him something else to do? What if the intruder breaks in and I give him a loaf of bread? Will he stop for a couple seconds and think about eating it, before he kills my children?”
The conventionally trained biologist will tell you this is BS. Just like in “regular” evolution, they will insist that the variants are caused by random copying errors and genetic recombination. The viruses and the cells do not have any intention or consciousness. It’s happenstance.
In the world of “regular” evolution of organisms, the “random copying errors” framework is intellectually and scientifically bankrupt. It’s fairly easy to prove this when you’re talking about larger lifeforms. There just aren’t enough of them, nor have they been around long enough, for “mistakes” to result in the evolutionary advancements we see.
But viruses? There are 10,000,000 viruses in one drop of seawater. Surely the numbers there are large enough for “mistakes” to eventually lead to advancement.
Has anyone looked into this?
I’ll get to that in Part 3
And click here to read my recently published peer-reviewed paper on this fascinating subject.
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