Could the war between
Darwin and Design be over?
Or is it just beginning?
Ten years ago I got into a fight with my brother: Creation vs. Evolution. He had gone from Christian missionary to almost atheist in 4 years. I had grown up a creationist; He had become a card-carrying Darwinist.
Hi, my name is Perry Marshall. That argument scared me. I realized how little I knew. I decided to follow the evidence wherever it took me… even if it made me an atheist too. Instead, I discovered the most amazing untold story in science.
The result is a brand new book Evolution 2.0: Breaking the Deadlock Between Darwin and Design. This is the first book ever published that explains in plain English how evolution really works. It’s backed by decades of real-world, peer-reviewed, Nobel Prize winning discoveries.
Neither ‘side’ is telling you the whole story. Darwinists underestimate nature… and Creationists underestimate God!
Get 3 Free Chapters of “Evolution 2.0” and discover the 70-Year-Old Nobel Prize-winning discovery that rendered old-school Darwinism obsolete:
Get 3 Free Chapters of “Evolution 2.0”.