Everybody has faith

“On the whole, people are not unbelieving. Some people will believe anything, provided it is not in

the Bible! Astrology, UFOs, fortune telling, luck, charms, and a thousand superstitions are as common in the university college as the housewife’s kitchen. Gullibility has never been so high.

When we stop believing in God we don’t stop believing. We can’t. We are actually incurable. Something takes God’s place, but is not better than God! We “stand for God or fall for anything”. False prophets and way-out teachers thrive when Christianity becomes unfashionable.

Despite the usual suggestion of godless television the Christian faith does not breed fanatics or fools. It is stabilizing, civilizing, and progressive, a bulwark against mind-twisting obsessions which undermine the character of a nation. Faith in God can be destroyed, but not faith. It is always there. Scripture says it is the gift of God. It is our other faculty.

We can see, hear, feel, taste, smell – and believe. Believing is our spiritual sight, of hand, or hearing. It is under our own control. Jesus always talked about faith as our responsibility. He praised those who believed and warned those who did not. This touches us all. He said “Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.” (John 7:38).

God bless you.”

-Reinhard Bonnke

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3 Responses

  1. judah says:

    The world never deserved the Word of truth, God so loved this world and so much that He gave His Son that the world may see light. And if they reject the light, then are they in great darkness. If the early patriarchs would believe even with little persuasion, then this generation has no excuse for remaining in darkness. Thank you Evangelist Reinhard!

  2. kalimsaki says:

    Said Nursi proved the existence of God in his books (Risalei Nur collection) (23 th flash)

    I want to share these sentences

    Second Impossibility
    Your being resembles a thousand-domed wondrous palace in which the stones stand together in suspension and without support. Indeed, your being is a thousand times more wonderful than such a palace, for the palace of your being is being renewed continuously in perfect order. Leaving aside your truly wonderful spirit, heart and other subtle faculties, each member of your body resembles a single-domed part of the palace. Like the stones of a dome, the particles stand together in perfect balance and order demonstrating the eye and the tongue, for example, each to be a wondrous building, extraordinary work of art, and miracle of power.
    If these particles were not each officials dependent on the command of the master architect of the universe, then each particle would have to be both absolutely dominant over all the other particles in the body and absolutely subordinate to each of them; and both equal to each and, with regard to its dominant position, opposed; and both the origin and source of most of the attributes that pertain only to the Necessarily Existent One, and extremely restricted; and both in absolute form, and in the form of a perfectly ordered individual artefact that could only, through the mystery of unity, be the work of the Single One of Unity.
    Anyone with even a particle of consciousness would understand what an obvious impossibility this is; to attribute such an artefact to those particles.

  3. kalimsaki says:

    I want to share this sentences From Risalei Nur collection by Said Nursi
    from 10 th word

    Is it at all possible that a perfection of beauteous artistry should not desire to make itself known by means of a herald that will draw men’s gazes upon it?

    Is it at all possible that the universal monarchy of all-embracing dominicality should not desire to announce its unity and eternal besoughtedness throughout the different levels of multiplicity and particularity by means of an envoy possessing two aspects? By the two aspects, we mean that he is both the envoy of the realm of multiplicity to the Divine Court, by virtue of his universal worship, and also the messenger of the Divine Court to the realm of multiplicity, by virtue of his closeness to God and being entrusted with His message.

    Is it at all possible that a possessor of infinite inherent beauty should not wish both to behold himself and to display to others, in numerous mirrors, the charms of his beauty and the allurements of his fairness? God’s Messenger is His beloved, making himself beloved of Him by means of his worship and holding up a mirror to Him, and he is also the bearer of His message, making Him beloved of men and demonstrating to them the beauty of His Names.

    Is it at all possible that the owner of treasuries full of wondrous miracles, rare and valuable items, should not wish and desire to display them to men’s gaze by means of an expert jeweller, and eloquent describer, thereby revealing his hidden perfections?
    Is it at all possible that the One Who manifests the perfection of all His Names in the cosmos by means of artful adornment for men to look upon, so that the cosmos comes to resemble a palace decorated with all kinds of wondrous and subtle art, should not also designate a teacher and a guide to the wonders of his creation?

    Is it at all possible that the Lord of the cosmos should not solve, by means of a messenger, the complex talisman of the aim and purpose of all the changes that take place in the cosmos, and the riddle contained in the three difficult questions posed by all beings: “What is our origin? What is our destination? What is our purpose?”

    Is it at all possible that the Glorious Maker Who makes Himself known to sentient beings by means of His fair creation, and Who makes himself loved by means of His precious bounties, should not also communicate to sentient beings, by means of a messenger, what His pleasure desires of them in exchange?

    Is it at all possible that God should create mankind in a form predisposing it to suffer the consciousness of multiplicity but also containing the ability to engage in universal worship, without at the same time wishing to turn it away from multiplicity to unity, by means of a teacher and guide?

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