Issue |
Neo-Darwinism |
Intelligent Design |
Evolution 2.0 (a.k.a. Third Way, Extended Synthesis) |
Origin of Life |
Presumed to have emerged from random chemical processes |
Created by an Intelligent Designer |
Information theory says codes require a designer, or else an undiscovered emergent process that generates codes |
Speed |
Gradual |
Instantaneous events of intervention |
In real time |
Sources of Novelty |
Random copying errors; natural selection is the hero |
Insertion of information by outside agent |
Transposition, Horizontal Transfer, Epigenetics, Hybridization, Symbiogenesis, Niche Construction, Retroviruses |
Scientific Status |
Randomness impossible to prove; much of the evidence is anecdotal, not empirical; millions of years too long to test |
Supported by inference; not possible to experimentally demonstrate; rejects methodological naturalism |
Demonstrated in 70-plus years of documented live lab experiments |
Implications for Humanity |
Chance, luck, and “blind pitiless indifference” of an uncaring universe; social Darwinism |
Man is a special creation |
Profoundly directional, cooperative process that invites us to humble ourselves and study with care |
Implications for Science & Technology |
Humans are smarter than nature, so we must now begin to direct our own evolution |
Scientists can study designs, but not the design process |
Nature is far wiser than we are, suggesting caution; cell research promises tremendous breakthroughs in medicine and engineering |
Causality |
Bottom-up |
Top-down |
Systems biology: There is no privileged point of causation |
Implications for Spirituality |
Religion is a myth, a way for “holy men” to wield power over the masses |
Most commonly associated with evangelical Christianity |
Science points to something beyond itself, far greater than us or the universe |
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