
Are the mutations that drive evolution random?

I’ve been corresponding with a professional scientist about randomness in biology. I told him that the Neo-Darwinian paradigm of “random mutation” is dead, and most people just haven’t gotten the memo yet.

He asked me to offer citations from the literature showing that evolution is non-random. This is what I sent him: Read more »

James Shapiro Video: Evolution in the 21st Century

James A. Shapiro is a leading advocate of “A Third Way” – an alternative solution to the gridlocked Creationism vs. Darwinism debate.

In this video, he defines a half dozen major mechanisms of biological evolution. He also discusses hot new questions raised by 21st century research: Read more »

Engineering Insights of Bugs, Geckos and Robots

Robert Full is a professor at the University of California-Berkeley. He studies cockroach legs and gecko feet. His research is helping build the perfect “distributed foot” for tomorrow’s robots, based on nature’s engineering.

In this video he describes the remarkable features of insect and animal legs, and shows you a robot built based on these same principles:


Perry Marshall

Richard Feynman on Science and Religion

Physicist Richard Feynman was a notorious researcher and blazing personality in the history of science.220px-feynmanlecturesonphysics

He’s known for his work on the atomic bomb, for creating a visual representation of subatomic particles, and pioneering work in quantum computing. Read more »

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