Did you know 67% of Americans think ChatGPT might be conscious? University of Waterloo survey.
What IS intelligence, anyway?
In 2024 it’s THE front-burner question.
Dr. Michael Levin at Tufts university is demolishing conventional notions of intelligence.
Re-framing AI, genetics, robotics, cancer, longevity. Identity and memory. I’ve interviewed him several times. He’s 20 years ahead of everyone.
Now the Institute of Art and Ideas (iai.tv) has thrown the two of us into the intellectual thunderdome.
Dr. Levin says our notions of intelligence are waaaay too narrow:
I argued…
Yes, our ideas ARE too narrow…. but before we start looking for E.T. & other exotic life forms… first let’s notice the intelligences literally right under our nose:
Hold onto your neurons!