
The Secret Life of Giant Cancer Cells

Why are we losing the war on cancer? This mind-blowing 8-minute video will change how you think about it.

From rogue kidney cells to a $25 test that could save millions, we’re exposing the evolutionary dance of cancer.

Watch this – it might just save your life. Read more »

Regenerating Life Review

How to Save the Earth AND the Humans at the Same Time

20 years ago, I went to China and witnessed the pollution. The sun was a murky yellow haze. Six hours west of Shanghai, the countryside air was still drenched with smog.

I said to myself “If I wasn’t an environmentalist before, I sure am now.”

That said, the word “environmentalist” has become a shrill, self-righteous, strident hypocrisy where people obsessed with carbon credits appear to be more concerned about dogmas than people… Read more »

Intellectual Cage Match: Perry Marshall vs. Mike Levin

Did you know 67% of Americans think ChatGPT might be conscious? University of Waterloo survey.

What IS intelligence, anyway?

In 2024 it’s THE front-burner question.

Dr. Michael Levin at Tufts university is demolishing conventional notions of intelligence.

Re-framing AI, genetics, robotics, cancer, longevity. Identity and memory. I’ve interviewed him several times. He’s 20 years ahead of everyone.

Now the Institute of Art and Ideas ( has thrown the two of us into the intellectual thunderdome.

Dr. Levin says our notions of intelligence are waaaay too narrow:

I argued…

Yes, our ideas ARE too narrow…. but before we start looking for E.T. & other exotic life forms… first let’s notice the intelligences literally right under our nose:

Hold onto your neurons!

Origin Of Life: What We Do and Do Not Know

“Where did life come from” is a vast mystery. We have only a smattering of clues. Attempts to reconstruct its beginnings have enjoyed scant success. To many, the sophistication and majesty of life itself leaves us awestruck and speaks to a divinely ordered cosmos. Yet the spirit of science is to understand the systems that drive it… not ascribe what we don’t yet understand to miracles.

How do we honor science and respect the mystery at the same time? Read more »

“If I had a choice between a walk on the moon and saving one life from cancer, I would never look at the moon again.” – Azra Raza

I interviewed Azra Raza four years ago, and we hit it off instantly. My number one question was,
“I read your book; it’s a scathing indictment of the cancer industry. How is it that your head isn’t on a stick somewhere?”

She replied, “It’s because they all know it’s true and they know if they try to challenge me, I’ll punch right back.”

So when Kevin Ham and I organized a fund-raising bike ride in Vancouver last September, we thought “Let’s have Azra share her unfiltered thoughts in a way she can’t on a podcast or social media.” I told everyone it would be like meeting Nelson Mandela or Mother Teresa 40 years ago.

A fortunate group of people joined us. Over the next few newsletters, I want to share Azra’s “Fireside Chat” from that fundraising event.

Read her chat and enjoy!

The Reasonable Ineffectiveness of Mathematics in the Life Sciences

Well-known biologist and author Sy Garte, author of the new book “Science and Faith in Harmony” joins Perry. They explore the alignment between science and faith and probe purpose in biology. They discuss the challenges of applying mathematical concepts to biological systems, recognizing that EVERY rule in biology has an exception. The two discuss changing norms in academic discourse, the new journal Biocosmos and “The Unreasonable Ineffectiveness of Mathematics in the Life Sciences.”

Podcast Link:

Sy’s book:
Sy’s website:
Sy’s X feed:

Detecting Cancer at Stage Negative One – Perry Marshall at SBMT

Perry Marshall spoke at the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics 21st annual conference in Los Angeles, 16 March 2024. He describes how outdated textbook evolution is inhibiting research and keeping us stuck in the old, gene-centric paradigm, and how the Polyploid Giant Cancer Cell model, advocated at a recent conference at MD Anderson in Houston, is a far more elegant model for detecting and treating cancer at the very earliest stages.

Podcast link:

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